If you would like a FREE coaching session for your pony club or a group of you please contact Vicky Mosey on [email protected]
Endurance is a sport for the whole family. Endurance involves travelling at varying speed around a course over many different types of terrain. It requires a combination of horsemanship, tactics & skill in order to navigate around the course within the maximum & minimum times. Great skill is required to ensure that the horse is in tip top condition at the end of the ride so penalty points are not given. Balancing horsemanship with tactics will ensure that the horse is in great shape at the finish but has also completed the course at optimal speed.
The result is calculated on a combination of distance, speed & penalty points. On rides of longer distances the family become ‘crew’. This involves meeting the horse & rider at pre-arranged points around the course to offer food & water. Endurance will teach riders about horse & rider fitness, correct feeding & hydration, physiology of the horse, map reading, calculating speeds & much more!!
No specific tack or equipment is required at this level of competition & any type of horse or pony can be competitive. The routes are marked by dayglo tape & flags with stewards at various points. Vets & Doctors are always in attendance.
Endurance SW organises many pleasure & competitive rides throughout Devon & Cornwall in a season that runs from February through till October. Other Training & Social events are organised throughout the season.
All Pony Club members that participate in Endurance rides are given the normal Endurance rosette but in addition they receive a Pony Club Endurance rosette which states which type of ride they have completed.
The pony club award the following rosette base upon the distance you complete.
Pony Club members are also given a Master Card where all their results are written & at the end of the season the rider with the greatest distance wins the Pony Club Distance Award.
The Pony Club includes Endurance as part of the Pony Club National Championships
where the Eventing, Show Jumping & Dressage Championship are also hotly contested making it a highlight of the Pony Club calendar.
Any Pony Club who has members who wish to take their Pony Club Endurance badges can contact Endurance South West & assistance can be given. The pony club badges for endurance as divided in to two types. The first is “Intro to endurance”. This is for younger or less experienced members. This badge is a great introduction if you are planning to start endurance as it provides a foundation of knowledge to get you started. The second is the “Endurance badge”. This is for those who have participated in endurance and shows a greater understanding of the rules and application. For more detailed information see:
Endurance GB offers a special ‘Club’ membership. This enables Pony Club members to get discount off joining & ride entry fees. To join us or to find out more please visit www.endurancegb.co.uk then type Pony Club into the search box. Alternatively e mail any enquires to [email protected]
Endurance is a sport for the whole family. Endurance involves travelling at varying speed around a course over many different types of terrain. It requires a combination of horsemanship, tactics & skill in order to navigate around the course within the maximum & minimum times. Great skill is required to ensure that the horse is in tip top condition at the end of the ride so penalty points are not given. Balancing horsemanship with tactics will ensure that the horse is in great shape at the finish but has also completed the course at optimal speed.
The result is calculated on a combination of distance, speed & penalty points. On rides of longer distances the family become ‘crew’. This involves meeting the horse & rider at pre-arranged points around the course to offer food & water. Endurance will teach riders about horse & rider fitness, correct feeding & hydration, physiology of the horse, map reading, calculating speeds & much more!!
No specific tack or equipment is required at this level of competition & any type of horse or pony can be competitive. The routes are marked by dayglo tape & flags with stewards at various points. Vets & Doctors are always in attendance.
Endurance SW organises many pleasure & competitive rides throughout Devon & Cornwall in a season that runs from February through till October. Other Training & Social events are organised throughout the season.
All Pony Club members that participate in Endurance rides are given the normal Endurance rosette but in addition they receive a Pony Club Endurance rosette which states which type of ride they have completed.
The pony club award the following rosette base upon the distance you complete.
Pony Club members are also given a Master Card where all their results are written & at the end of the season the rider with the greatest distance wins the Pony Club Distance Award.
The Pony Club includes Endurance as part of the Pony Club National Championships
where the Eventing, Show Jumping & Dressage Championship are also hotly contested making it a highlight of the Pony Club calendar.
Any Pony Club who has members who wish to take their Pony Club Endurance badges can contact Endurance South West & assistance can be given. The pony club badges for endurance as divided in to two types. The first is “Intro to endurance”. This is for younger or less experienced members. This badge is a great introduction if you are planning to start endurance as it provides a foundation of knowledge to get you started. The second is the “Endurance badge”. This is for those who have participated in endurance and shows a greater understanding of the rules and application. For more detailed information see:
Endurance GB offers a special ‘Club’ membership. This enables Pony Club members to get discount off joining & ride entry fees. To join us or to find out more please visit www.endurancegb.co.uk then type Pony Club into the search box. Alternatively e mail any enquires to [email protected]