For the safety of all riders & horses there are rules & etiquette that must be followed when out on course.
You must obey the instructions of all stewards as they are there to help you & ensure the ride runs safely. At Check Points you must shout out your number so the steward can mark you off the rider list.
Don’t rush up behind any horse, if you see a horse in the distance try to approach in a safe manner. If you wish to pass a horse you MUST ask permission from the rider before you pass. If the rider asks you to wait for a more appropriate time or place then you must do so. Pleasure rides are not a race so you haven’t lost any places. When you have passed the horse ride away from it is a sensible manner, ideally at a reasonable pace so you quickly clear the horse but not at a pace that may upset it.
Your horse should wear a tail ribbon if appropriate, Blue for a stallion, green for a young horse & red for a horse that needs extra space. Watch out for tail ribbons & ride accordingly. If you are riding a horse with a ribbon, please respect other riders right to be on the course.
If any rider has fallen & asks for assistance you MUST help. Time spent helping others can be claimed back at the end of the ride.
If you need help then ask other riders or if you can continue on to the next steward or check point. NEVER leave the course as it will make it much more difficult for help to find you.
All gates that you open must be closed behind you. If riding in a group, wait for everyone in your group to go through the gate and make sure it is securely closed before you ride away, unless you get agreement from the rider closing the gate that you can ride on.
Keep to the marked route to as it will avoid bad ground & trespassing. Respect the land owners who have given permission for you to ride over their ground.
There is a full list of ride rules in the members handbook & on the website but the rules above are the most important.
You must obey the instructions of all stewards as they are there to help you & ensure the ride runs safely. At Check Points you must shout out your number so the steward can mark you off the rider list.
Don’t rush up behind any horse, if you see a horse in the distance try to approach in a safe manner. If you wish to pass a horse you MUST ask permission from the rider before you pass. If the rider asks you to wait for a more appropriate time or place then you must do so. Pleasure rides are not a race so you haven’t lost any places. When you have passed the horse ride away from it is a sensible manner, ideally at a reasonable pace so you quickly clear the horse but not at a pace that may upset it.
Your horse should wear a tail ribbon if appropriate, Blue for a stallion, green for a young horse & red for a horse that needs extra space. Watch out for tail ribbons & ride accordingly. If you are riding a horse with a ribbon, please respect other riders right to be on the course.
If any rider has fallen & asks for assistance you MUST help. Time spent helping others can be claimed back at the end of the ride.
If you need help then ask other riders or if you can continue on to the next steward or check point. NEVER leave the course as it will make it much more difficult for help to find you.
All gates that you open must be closed behind you. If riding in a group, wait for everyone in your group to go through the gate and make sure it is securely closed before you ride away, unless you get agreement from the rider closing the gate that you can ride on.
Keep to the marked route to as it will avoid bad ground & trespassing. Respect the land owners who have given permission for you to ride over their ground.
There is a full list of ride rules in the members handbook & on the website but the rules above are the most important.